Module 6: Introduction to Cartopy

This module will teach you about Cartopy, a mapping package used widely in the geosciences, including Pyleoclim.

1Introduction to Cartopy

2A basic map


4Local Maps

5Plotting a field on the sphere

6The plot thickens: Uniting Time and Space into Cohesive Narratives


  • Cartopy allows for georeferencing Matplotlib axes objects, allowing to weave maps into more complex figures, and leveraging all other Matplotlib functionalities, like displaying fields, adding labels, colored patches, and much more.
  • Cartopy’s crs class supports a variety of map projections.
  • Cartopy’s feature class allows for a variety of cartographic features to be overlaid on the figure

Resources and References

  1. Cartopy Documentation
  2. Full list of projections in Cartopy
  3. Maps with Cartopy (Ryan Abernathey)
  4. Map Projections (GeoCAT)
  5. Pythia tutorial

About this course

This is a free, open source course on how to use different Data Science Tools such as Jupyter Notebooks, relevant Python libraries, GitHub, and information about making your science FAIR. It's made possible by a long and fruitful collaboration to NSF and EarthCube. Contributions and comments on how to improve the course are welcome! To file an issue go to:

About me

For nearly a decade, the EarthCube community has been transforming the conduct of geosciences research by developing and maintaining a well-connected and facile environment that improves access, sharing, visualization, and analysis of data and related resources. While sharable tools, methods, and cyberinfrastructure have been critical achievements for EarthCube, we find that our dedicated community is what makes our program successful. LinkedEarth builds upon EarthCube success, specifically targeting the paleogeosciences community.