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pyRATES: Python and R Analysis of Time SerieS

June 3-6, 2024, Marina Del Rey, CA

The geosciences are entering an exciting phase, with open-source research ecosystems opening new avenues of investigation. With this great power comes great responsibility: sharing research data, software, and worflow is fundamental to building a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) open science ecocystem. FROGS is a new initiative from LinkedEarth that links together science practice and publishing in a series of synchronous and asynchronous trainings.

The first training opportunity will kick off June 3-6 2024 in Marina Del Rey,CA and will consist of foundational training in Python and R for the geosciences, with an emphasis on time series analysis.


This training will be both synchronous (with the kickoff event in Marina del Rey) and asynchronous over the next 8-10 weeks. The synchronous event will consist of a mixture of lectures, directed homeworks and dedicated time for research or more in-depth tutorials. The asynchronous portion will consist of the development of a Jupyter Notebook reproducing a study (or part thereof) in their field, published according to FAIR principles. The asynchronous portion will be supported through virtual office hours over the 6 weeks following the synchronous event. Final notebooks should be submitted 2 weeks after the end of the asynchronous period. Both the synchronous and asynchronous events will be supported by an online platform, LeapFROGS (a prototype version is available here) to learn or review relevant material.



Closer to the event, a schedule will be available here.


This workshop is supported by NSF grant RISE 2324732 from the Geoscience Open Science Ecosystem program. Travel grants are available for US-based participants.