Welcome to PaleoHack - Python introduction workshop
These short modules will walk you through an introduction to Python and the scientific Python stack; namely, NumPy, Pandas,Matplotlib, and Cartopy. These packages form the foundation upon which Pyleoclim is built. The last two modules refer to the use of GitHub and FAIR principles.
After these modules, you will be able to use Python more effectively for your research and work with Pyleoclim more efficiently. Remember that Pyleoclim is built upon these tools, so learning to make a plot in Matplotlib, for instance, will give you a better idea of how Pyleoclim works under the hood and how you can modify your plots.
This page runs on a python3 kernel.
Module 1: Introduction to Python
Module 2: Introduction to Jupyter
Module 3: Introduction to NumPy
Module 4: Introduction to Pandas
Module 5: Introduction to Matplotlib
Module 6: Introduction to Cartopy
Module 7: Introduction to GitHub
This module will teach you about Version Control and how to use Git and Github.
Module 8: Development best-practices including FAIR data principles
References and Resources
Here are scripts to re-use and links to additional references and topics to learn.