Retrieving textual information from LiPD files#


Deborah Khider


PyLiPD is a Python package that allows you to read, manipulate, and write LiPD formatted datasets. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how you can use pre-defined APIs that allows getting specific information from a LiPD file.


  • Use existing APIs to get information about the datasets loaded in the workspace, their location, the variables available, the types of geologic archives.

  • Obtain a BibTeX file of references to properly credit scholarly contributions

Reading Time: 5 minutes




None. This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of Python and Pandas. If you are not familiar with this coding language and this particular library, check out this tutorial:

Relevant Packages#


Data Description#

This notebook uses the following datasets, in LiPD format:

  • McCabe-Glynn, S., Johnson, K., Strong, C. et al. Variable North Pacific influence on drought in southwestern North America since AD 854. Nature Geosci 6, 617–621 (2013).

  • Lawrence, K. T., Liu, Z. H., & Herbert, T. D. (2006). Evolution of the eastern tropical Pacific through Plio-Pleistocne glaciation. Science, 312(5770), 79-83.

  • PAGES2k Consortium., Emile-Geay, J., McKay, N. et al. A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era. Sci Data 4, 170088 (2017). doi:10.1038/sdata.2017.88


Extracting infomation about the content of a LiPD object#

Let’s start by importing our favorite package and load our datasets.

from pylipd.lipd import LiPD

Let’s load some diverse datasets to highlight to capabilities:

path = '../data/Pages2k/'

D = LiPD()
Loading 16 LiPD files
  0%|          | 0/16 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 38%|███▊      | 6/16 [00:00<00:00, 50.11it/s]
 75%|███████▌  | 12/16 [00:00<00:00, 46.90it/s]
100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:00<00:00, 42.60it/s]

data_path = ['../data/Crystal.McCabe-Glynn.2013.lpd', '../data/ODP846.Lawrence.2006.lpd', '']

Loading 3 LiPD files
  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:00<00:00,  2.80it/s]
 67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [00:01<00:00,  1.51it/s]
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:01<00:00,  1.75it/s]
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:01<00:00,  1.76it/s]

Getting information about Datasets#

From the introductory notebooks on loading LiPD datasets and working with LiPD objects, you should be already familiar with the functions to get all the names of the datasets.


In fact, this function has been used throughout these notebooks to be able to extract other types of information. Another equivalent function returns all the datasetIDs. datasetIDs are unique identifiers for each LiPD dataset. This notion was introduced as the name may not be unique enough for unique identification. All datasets from the LiPDGraph will have an ID but it is not mandatory.


Notice that the function returned only 17 items (2 less than the dataset names). The reason is these files were created before datasetIDs were prevalent on the Lipdverse.

Note: `datasetIDs` will be used in future versions of `PyLiPD` to directly query the LiPDverse, without the need to pass the direct URL.

Another function that allows to look up information stored at the dataset level is get_all_archiveTypes. This one works a little bit differently than the previous functions in that it will only return the unique names present in these datasets:

 'Lake sediment',
 'Marine sediment',

This function is particularly useful to know what terms can be used to filter with specific queries. You can see that coral appears with two different capitalizations. For filtering, this won’t matter as we will see in the next tutorial.

You can get information about the location of each dataset as follows:

df_loc = D.get_all_locations()

dataSetName geo_meanLat geo_meanLon geo_meanElev
0 Eur-NorthernSpain.Martin-Chivelet.2011 42.9000 -3.5000 1250.0
1 Eur-NorthernScandinavia.Esper.2012 68.0000 25.0000 300.0
2 Eur-Stockholm.Leijonhufvud.2009 59.3200 18.0600 10.0
3 Eur-LakeSilvaplana.Trachsel.2010 46.5000 9.8000 1791.0
4 Eur-SpanishPyrenees.Dorado-Linan.2012 42.5000 1.0000 1200.0
5 Arc-Kongressvatnet.D'Andrea.2012 78.0217 13.9311 94.0
6 Eur-CoastofPortugal.Abrantes.2011 41.1000 -8.9000 -80.0
7 Ocn-PedradeLume-CapeVerdeIslands.Moses.2006 16.7600 -22.8883 -5.0
8 Ocn-FeniDrift.Richter.2009 55.5000 -13.9000 -2543.0
9 Ocn-SinaiPeninsula,RedSea.Moustafa.2000 27.8483 34.3100 -3.0
10 Ant-WAIS-Divide.Severinghaus.2012 -79.4630 -112.1250 1766.0
11 Asi-SourthAndMiddleUrals.Demezhko.2007 55.0000 59.5000 1900.0
12 Ocn-AlboranSea436B.Nieto-Moreno.2013 36.2053 -4.3133 -1108.0
13 Eur-SpannagelCave.Mangini.2005 47.1000 11.6000 2347.0
14 Ocn-RedSea.Felis.2000 27.8500 34.3200 -6.0
15 Eur-FinnishLakelands.Helama.2014 62.0000 28.3250 130.0
16 Crystal.McCabe-Glynn.2013 36.5900 -118.8200 1386.0
17 ODP846.Lawrence.2006 -3.1000 -90.8000 -3296.0
18 CO06MOPE 16.7500 -22.8883 -5.0

Getting information about variables#

To get information about available variable names, you can do the following:

 '230th age',
 '230th age_uncertaity',
 '230th age_uncertainty',
 'c37 total',
 'u. peregrina d18o',
 'depth cr',
 'sample label',
 'c. wuellerstorfi d13c',
 'depth comp',
 'temp prahl',
 'c. wuellerstorfi d18o',
 'u. peregrina d13c',
 'temp muller']

Note that like the functions retrieving the various archiveTypes, this function also only returns the unique names. As we have explored previously, the Euro2k database contains more than one record correspoonding to temperature. Again, this function can be used to figure out what to filter by.

If you want to have more granularity about which variable is available in which datasets and their associated unique IDs, you can use the following function:

uri TSID variableName
0 PYTE7VH7UMO year
1 PYTECO66XAD year
2 PYTWVH672OU year
3 PYT1E4X3DDF year
4 PYT2K8MIA3N year
... ... ... ...
93 PYTJ3PSH0LT site/hole
94 PYT2ZB6MLZ9 interval
95 PYTDIEKUM44 upper95
96 PYTTUPVG4K3 u. peregrina d13c
97 PYTGO6NV72Y temp muller

98 rows × 3 columns

Get a bibliography#

pylipd makes is easy to retrieve the publication information from the subset of records you used and export this to a .bib file:

bibs, df = D.get_bibtex(remote = True, save = True, path = '../data/mybiblio.bib', verbose = False)
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (, creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually
Cannot find a matching record for the provided DOI (None), creating the entry manually

Let’s decompose the parameters for this function:

  • remote: If set to True, PyLipd will use the crossref function in the doi2bib package to retrieve the bilbiography. You can only use this option online. If the retrieval fails, the entry will be created from the information in the LiPD file. If set to False, only the information in the file will be used.

  • save, path: If save is set to True, PyliPD will save the entries in a .bib file. In this example, we saved the file to the data folder contained in this repository.

  • verbose if set to True, the bibliography will print on the screen.

In addition to saving the file, the function returns bibs, a list of text bliography and df, which presents the information in a Pandas DataFrame.

dsname title authors doi pubyear year journal volume issue pages type publisher report citeKey edition institution url url2
0 Eur-NorthernSpain.Martin-Chivelet.2011 World Data Center for Paleoclimatology J. Martín-Chivelet None None NaN None None None None dataCitation None None martin2011httpwwwncdcnoaagovpaleostudy12194Dat... None World Data Center for Paleoclimatology None
1 Eur-NorthernSpain.Martin-Chivelet.2011 Land surface temperature changes in northern I... María J. Turrero and Ana I. Ortega and Javier ... 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2011.02.002 None 2011.0 Global and Planetary Change 77 None 1-12 article Elsevier BV None martin2011landsurfacetemperaturecha None None None None
2 Eur-NorthernScandinavia.Esper.2012 Orbital forcing of tree-ring data Jan Esper and David C. Frank and Nils Fischer ... 10.1038/nclimate1589 None 2012.0 Nature Climate Change 2 None 862-866 article Nature Publishing Group None esper2012orbitalforcingoftreeringd None None None None
3 Eur-NorthernScandinavia.Esper.2012 World Data Center for Paleoclimatology J. Esper None None NaN None None None None dataCitation None None esper2012httpwwwncdcnoaagovpaleostudy1003406Da... None World Data Center for Paleoclimatology None
4 Eur-Stockholm.Leijonhufvud.2009 Five centuries of Stockholm winter/spring temp... Anders Moberg and Johan Söderberg and Ulrica S... 10.1007/s10584-009-9650-y None 2009.0 Climatic Change 101 None 109-141 article Springer Science + Business Media None leijonhufvud2009fivecenturiesofstockholmw None None None None