[Fig. 2] Naïve sampling

[Fig. 2] Naïve sampling#

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import pens
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from num2tex import num2tex
path = '../data/gmt_MCruns_ensemble_full_LMRv2.1.nc'
LMR = pens.EnsembleTS().load_nc(path, var='gmt')
LMR.label = 'LMR v2.1'
LMR.value_name = 'GMST'
LMR.value_unit = '\N{DEGREE SIGN}C'
LMR.time_name = 'Time'
LMR.time_unit = 'yrs'
(<Figure size 1000x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: title={'center': 'LMR v2.1'}, xlabel='Time [yrs]', ylabel='GMST [°C]'>)
df = pd.read_table('../data/PMIP3_GMST.txt')
# create a new pandas.DataFrame to store the processed data
dfn = df.copy()

# remove the data columns for CESM and GISS ensemble members
for i in range(10):
    dfn = dfn.drop([f'CESM_member_{i+1}'], axis=1)

dfn = dfn.drop(['GISS-E2-R_r1i1p127.1'], axis=1)
dfn = dfn.drop(['GISS-E2-R_r1i1p127'], axis=1)
dfn = dfn.drop(['GISS-E2-R_r1i1p121'], axis=1)

# calculate the ensemble mean for CESM and GISS, and add the results into the table
dfn['CESM'] = df[[

dfn['GISS'] = df[[

# display the processed data
0 850 -0.570693 -0.431830 NaN -0.620995 -0.475963 -0.170230 NaN -0.620517 0.049553 0.127429
1 851 -0.698903 -0.411177 NaN -0.753160 -0.742970 -0.303124 -0.398695 -0.553043 0.193858 0.138796
2 852 -0.575440 -0.404802 NaN -0.743508 -0.758939 -0.422623 -0.406343 -0.560791 0.185033 0.098170
3 853 -0.724757 -0.552719 NaN -0.869331 -0.746460 -0.335177 -0.353557 -0.438949 0.120470 -0.054552
4 854 -0.724328 -0.734938 NaN -0.826238 -0.684093 -0.650792 -0.416140 -0.812194 -0.081349 -0.407169
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1161 2011 1.013544 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1162 2012 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1163 2013 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1164 2014 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1165 2015 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

1166 rows × 11 columns

# store each pyleoclim.Series() object into a dictionary and plot
import pyleoclim as pyleo
ts_dict = {}
for name in dfn.columns[1:]:
    ts_dict[name] = pyleo.Series(
        time=dfn['Year'].values,  # the time axis
        value=dfn[name].values,   # the value axis
        label=name,                  # optional metadata: the nickname of the series
        time_name='Time',            # optional metadata: the name of the time axis
        time_unit='yrs',             # optional metadata: the unit of the time axis
        value_name='GMST',     # optional metadata: the name of the value axis
        value_unit='\N{DEGREE SIGN}C',              # optional metadata: the unit of the value axis

ts_list = [v for k, v in ts_dict.items()]  # a pythonic way to convert the pyleo.Series items in the dictionary to a list
ms_pmip = pyleo.MultipleSeries(ts_list)
fig, ax = ms_pmip.plot(lgd_kwargs={
        'bbox_to_anchor': (1.25, 1),  # move the legend to the right side

Next we compute the Mean Squared Error between the target series (CCSM4) and all possible trajectories within the ensemble, then find a trajectory that mimimizes it:

ts = ts_list[7] # select HadCM3
common_time = [850,2000]
lmr_slice = LMR.slice(common_time)
HadCM3 = ts.slice(common_time)
path_nearest = lmr_slice.sample_nearest(HadCM3.value, metric='MSE')
dist = path_nearest.distance  # extract distance metric
ens_unif = lmr_slice.random_paths(model='unif',p=3, seed=44)
(<Figure size 1200x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: xlabel='Time [yrs]', ylabel='GMST [°C]'>)

Let’s get the HDI score of each of these.

import numpy as np
ns = ens_unif.nEns
hdi_score = np.zeros((ns))
for k in range(ns):
    hdi_score[k], _ = lmr_slice.hdi_score(y=ens_unif.value[:,k])

Spectral analysis#

es_orig = lmr_slice.to_pyleo(verbose=False)
PSD_orig = es_orig.spectral(method='mtm',settings={'standardize':False}) # this generates a MultiplePSD object
Performing spectral analysis on individual series: 100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:34<00:00, 57.61it/s]
PSD_orig_aa = PSD_orig.anti_alias()
Applying the anti-alias filter: 100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:13<00:00, 148.34it/s]
ps_rnd = lmr_slice.random_paths(model='unif',p=LMR.nEns, seed=2333)
es_rnd = ps_rnd.to_pyleo(verbose=False) # resample while preserving ensemble size
PSD_rnd = es_rnd.spectral(method='mtm',settings={'standardize':False})
Performing spectral analysis on individual series:  93%|█████████▎| 1860/2000 [00:33<00:02, 52.91it/s]
PSD_rnd_aa = PSD_rnd.anti_alias()
Applying the anti-alias filter: 100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:17<00:00, 114.54it/s]
percent = lmr_slice.trace_rank(y=HadCM3.value)

Making the figure#

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(10,6))
axs = axs.flatten()
mse = '{:.2e}'.format(num2tex(dist)) # H/T https://stackoverflow.com/a/54557412
# a) closest match
ax0 = axs[0].twinx()
ax0.fill_between(lmr_slice.time, 0, percent, alpha=0.5, zorder=0,
                 facecolor='silver', label='rank')
#ax0.set_ylabel('LMR rank (%)')
path_nearest.plot(ax=axs[0],color='k', ls='--', label=rf'Nearest path (MSE = ${mse}$)')
ts.plot(ax=axs[0], ylim=(-2.2, 1.2), alpha=0.7, linewidth=1)
axs[0].legend(loc='upper left', ncol=1, fontsize=9,framealpha = 0.9)
axs[0].set_title('a) LMR v2.1, nearest HadCM3 neighbor',
                 loc = 'left', fontweight = 'bold')
ax0.legend(loc='upper right')
# b) naive resampling
lmr_nolbl = lmr_slice.copy()
lmr_nolbl.label = ''
lmr_nolbl.plot_hdi(prob=0.95, color='k',ax=axs[1],title='')
ens_unif.plot(ax=axs[1],alpha=0.4, label = 'duh', legend_kwargs={'show':True})
axs[1].set_title('b) LMR v2.1, naïve resampling',
                 loc = 'left', fontweight = 'bold')
# split the legend in 2 parts
h, l = axs[1].get_legend_handles_labels()
legend1 = axs[1].legend(handles=h[:2], loc='upper center', ncol=2)
l2 = ['#'+str(i+1) for i in range(3)]
legend2 = axs[1].legend(handles=h[2:], labels = l2, loc='lower center', ncol=3)

# c) Undisturbed spectra
ylims = [3e-4,10]
axs[2].set_title('c) LMR v2.1 GMST spectral density, original',
                 loc = 'left', fontweight = 'bold')
esm = lmr_slice.get_median() # extract and analyze the ensemble median
esm = esm.to_pyleo(label='ensemble median', verbose=False)
esm_spec = esm.spectral(method ='mtm',settings={'standardize':False})
esm_beta = esm_spec.anti_alias().beta_est() # estimate spectral exponent
esm_beta.plot(ax=axs[2], ylim=ylims, color='k')
h, l = axs[2].get_legend_handles_labels()
legend1 = axs[2].legend(handles=h[:3], loc='upper right',fontsize = 9)
legend2 = axs[2].legend(handles=h[3:], loc='lower left')

# d) Resampled spectra
naive_clr = 'darkorange'
PSD_rnd_aa.plot_envelope(ax=axs[3],curve_clr=naive_clr, shade_clr=naive_clr)
axs[3].set_title('d) same as c), naïve resampling',
                 loc = 'left', fontweight = 'bold')
esm_rnd = ps_rnd.get_median() # extract and analyze the ensemble median
esm_rnd = esm_rnd.to_pyleo(label='ensemble median',verbose=False)
esm_rnd_spec = esm_rnd.spectral(method ='mtm',settings={'standardize':False})
esm_rnd_beta = esm_rnd_spec.anti_alias().beta_est() # estimate spectral exponent
esm_rnd_beta.plot(ax=axs[3],ylim=ylims, color='k', ylabel='PSD')
h, l = axs[3].get_legend_handles_labels()
legend1 = axs[3].legend(handles=h[:3], loc='upper right',fontsize = 9)
legend2 = axs[3].legend(handles=h[3:], loc='lower left')
axs[3].set_xlabel(axs[2].get_xlabel()) # make labels the same
#axs[3].legend(handles=h[3:], loc='lower left')